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Decryption Status?

Is there a place to look/check/watch the decryption status of an endpoint?  I am using Safeguard to manage Bitlocker deployment within my environment and I can decrypt a Windows 7 laptop/desktop with the "decrypt a computer" policy that was setup on deployment.  But I am not sure it is working for our Windows 10 Endpoint.  Trying to verify if the decryption is actually started and running or if it has failed completely.


Any help is appreciated.

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  • Michael thanks for the response.  I was operating under the wrong assumption (haven't decrypted a computer in a while and forgot the process).  I thought that the computer would automatically start to decrypt after moving it to my "decrypt a computer" group within Safeguard and syncing.  Turns out I had to "turn off bitlocker" on my endpoint and start the decryption process.

  • No problem - Yes, that's how I understand it works. Without the group it would start to decrypt, Sophos would then kick in and encrypt again! The group gives thw facility to be "allowed" to decrypt and it's not automatic as I understand?


    All the best