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POA Black screen after BIOS Post


i'm testing deployment of Safeguard in our Enviroment, i've troubles with a HP 820 G1, have the newest Bios version v1.39 installed and Safeguard 8.0 with POACFG_8_00.xml but as soon i reboot the machine i just get a black screen after the BIOS Post.

I already reset all Bios Settings but only if i reset the Bios settings i can once enter POA, after another reboot i get the Black screen again, resetting the security settings didn't help.


Does anyone has any hints?

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  • I had that issue before. When I contacted sophos, they told me to upgrade bios, run check disk before installing safeguard, which I did do. I finally solve my issue by not using POA at all and only verify through TPM only. The users like that way better since they don't like using POA. So you can give that a try, too.

  • I had that issue before. When I contacted sophos, they told me to upgrade bios, run check disk before installing safeguard, which I did do. I finally solve my issue by not using POA at all and only verify through TPM only. The users like that way better since they don't like using POA. So you can give that a try, too.

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