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SGN Client automatic upgrade or central deployment methodology that works?

Hi there.

Long time user of SafeGuard Enterprise. Initially purchased for laptop FDE, now being used for Data Exchange and File Encryption.

We're in a race against time to complete the rollout of version 7.00.2 to all machines in the enterprise (1300+ at the last count).

This is a mixture of fresh deployments to desktops (where FDE was not needed) and an upgrade of some notebooks which are running various legacy versions of SGN, as far back as 5.6.

I know that there's no direct upgrade path to 7.00.2 from some of the older versions, that's not the reason (directly) for this post.

So, to the point: has anyone found a good way to automatically deploy SGN?

To date, we're stuck using scripts which are run manually on each machine call the 3 msi files in sequence. Typically, the client will eventually be installed using this method (usually 3+ attempts with reboots in between). Pre-reqs and config files typically install without issue.

I'm open to suggestions about how we can better accomplish this!

To say that this current practice is a ball-ache is something of an understatement, especially when we need to upgrade where we usually have the same process again - this is one reason why we've got such a legacy of installed versions.

When I was at Sophos HQ last week, I was shown the persistent file encryption option and (as it fits with a project that I'm currently working on) asked for some more details. At which point I was told that it needed SGN 8.

I rolled my eyes at this and mentioned the fact that upgrade process for us can take several months because of its manual nature. I also pointed out that I was likely to get lynched upon my return if I suggested another SGN upgrade before mid-2017. 

The senior tech that was running through the demo exclaimed that 'it was easy' and then proceeded to click the 'Synchronise' button in SGN which he assured me meant that the machine would download the latest client version from the server and that it would be updated automatically.

Has anyone seen this witchcraft working? Is what I was shown is true then it looks like future upgrades could be very straightforward, however I can't see anything in the (v7) SGN Console that hints as to how this might be achieved.

Any info is gratefully received!

Kind regards,


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  • I'm familiar with the SGN admin console - this is not what he demonstrated / claimed...

    It can't be too much of a stretch to include some sort of central updating tool into SGN, surely.

    How can I submit a feature request? As I said, updates to the client base are a royal pain at the moment - there has to be a better way. We can't be the only organisation that struggles with this...!