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STOP Error: 0x0000007B after Enterprise Client Installation


I tried to install the SafeGuard Enterprise Client on my Windows 7 32-bit virtual machine.

The preinstall package installs successfully and the C++ patch is installed as are the required C++ runtimes.

But after the Installation of the SGN Enterprise package, the client ends up in said blue screen.

Is there a general issue (like required configuration for VMs) or what could I look for?

Thanks in advance for any help regarding this issue.

Marco Lorenz

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  • Thank you for your reply there.

    The error was apparently connected with providing Bitlocker and SafeGuard Encryption together as Features. When using this Feature set, the unattended Installation runs, but mangles the system. Strangely enough that doesn't happen with the 64-bit installer. The installer also runs, but the system remains intact.