Hi all
I´m using Safeguard and i am facing some trouble with a specific configuration.
My environment has three groups ("sales", "tec" and "managment"). POA is enabled to the "Sales" and "Tec" group (the "tec" group is using BitLocker), and i need to ensure that the "manage" does not have the POA enabled.
I´ve created 4 Group Policies to basicaly configure file share encryption, device encryption (removable media) and logs per deparment).
I´ve created also a Default File Policy where i´m configuring some general file shares and to encrypt everything that is being copied to the Desktop, Documents, and Downlodas on each machine), and finally a Default General Policy to configure a Default Device Encryption to all the computers.
By Order:
Policy "No - POA" (applied to group "management". - This is just to prevent POA to be enabled.
Policy "Tec" (applied to the group "tec" - this group has the user tec1)
Policy "Sales" (applied to group "Sales" - has the user sales1)
Policy "Default File" (appled to .Authenticated Users)
Policy "Default General Policy" (applied to .Authenticated computers).
The fact is that despite that first policy "No - POA" is being applied, when i try to make a RSOP on the machine where the user from "managment" group logs in, the Enable Power-on Authentication is set to "yes".
Would you be so kind to help in configuring this exception? :)
Thanks in advance.
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