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SOLVED: Decrpyt external hard drive

My wife recently left her job and saved some personal files from her work computer to an external hard drive. We know the key phrase she used, but we no longer have any computers with Sophos Safeguard installed. What is the best way to decrypt this drive so that we can recover her files?



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  • Hi zhogan85,

    if the files were encrypted using SafeGuard Data Exchange and SafeGuard Portable application (SGPortable.exe) has been copied to the removable media (there should be a link on the root directory, if not check *:\SGPortable\SGPortable.exe), this could be used to access encrypted files using the encryption key passphrase (if known).



  • Hi zhogan85,

    if the files were encrypted using SafeGuard Data Exchange and SafeGuard Portable application (SGPortable.exe) has been copied to the removable media (there should be a link on the root directory, if not check *:\SGPortable\SGPortable.exe), this could be used to access encrypted files using the encryption key passphrase (if known).



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