Is anyone using SafeGuard Enterprise (6.0) FileShare module in a VMWare View virtual desktop environment?
I've been trying to help a client implement this and have found suprisingly little positive or negative supporting information regarding managing this in a dynamic virtual desktop environment. The goal of the implementation is to have network share folders encrypted to prevent that data from leaving the management domain in an accessible format, and such that the same data is encrypted when backed up, in order to meet a HIPAA compliance requirement.
We have the management center, client, and a network file share policy in place, and they work in a static test environment. The problems start arising once the dynamicism of the VDI environment is included. To elaborate on conflicting dynamic VDI features, the VMWare View environment I am working on is using:
-Linked Clones w/ machine pools being refreshed at least monthly
-Both persistent and non-persistent virtual machines (i.e. some machines are set to delete at user logoff)
-Both dedicated and floating user assignment
The corresponding SGN conflicts in our attempts to implement this are:
-Cloning of machines with installed client is not supported. Requires client uninstall/re-install to correct, or installation via a post cloning deployment script to prevent.
-Utilization of cloned machines and reuse of the same hostnames creates duplicate entries in the Management Center
-User to Machine Assignment process requires 2 successful user logons to any machine before a key ring is available to user at that client
Of the conflicts above, item 1 should be manageable via scripted installs. Item 2 could tedioulsy be managed by manual deletion within the management center database, and their is likely a way to provide some scripted automation to this, but as yet not discovered fully. Item 3 however is the great sticking point. When floating virtual desktops are used, particularly when that desktop pool is not persistent, it can be impossible for a user to ever be offered the same desktop machine twice in order to fully complete UMA and get a key ring presented to them.
In searches thus far, I haven't been able to find others complaining about this, or found suggested approaches/solutions to using SGN in a dynamic VDI environment, which in itself is odd. Is it not being tried elsewhere? Therefore, I ask again, is anyone familiar with implementing SafeGuard FileShare in a virtual desktop environment using non-persistent, linked clones with floating user assignment?
Any suggestions or shared experiences would be most appreciated.
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