the application section in the events specifies which SafeGuard component triggers the event that is going to be logged.
Please find a list of components below:
SafeGuard Client module specific events:
SGBaseEnc - SafeGuard Base Encryption
SGSDX - SafeGuard Data Exchange
SGConfProtect - SafeGuard Configuration Protection
SGFileBasedEnc - SafeGuard Filebased Encryption
SGFileTrack - SafeGuard File Tracking
SGNFileShare - SafeGuard File Share
SGNCloudStorage - SafeGuard Cloud Storage
SafeGuard administration and internal services:
SGAPI - SafeGuard API (Application programming interface)
SGMAS - SafeGuard Administration / Management Center
SGMaster - SafeGuard Master Application
SGMAuth - SafeGuard Authentication Application
SGLSH - SafeGuard Local Selfhelp
SGNTrans - SafeGuard Transport mechanism
SGLog - SafeGuard Logging
SGNPoaAccessAccount - SafeGuard POA Access Accounts
SGNSAS - SafeGuard Service Accounts
SGNSetup - SafeGuard Setup
I've created a request for imporvement to add a note regarding the application abbreviations either into the manual or the online help of the SafeGuard Management Center.