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Aladdin/Sophos eToken Support in SGN SGN under Windows 7

Hi there,

could you please provide me with information about compatibility of:

- Aladdin/Sophos eToken PRO (Java and Siemens CardOS)

- Windows 7 32/64Bit

- Windows XP 32Bit

- Aladidn/Sophos PKI Client 5.1 SP1

In the release notes in section 3.7 it says: The following smart cards/token are not supported on the Windows Vista or Windows 7 platforms: - CardOS, Siemens profile.

However, this sentence is not listed in section 3.8, that talks about Tokens, rather than SmartCards.

Best regards,



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  • Hi Typhoon87,

    we decided not to go for TMS integration because of the PKI integration in SafeGuard Enterprise. Our assumption is that TMS can handle this without us perfectly, and an interface from SGN to TMS is not really required. I agree that you may have to use multiple interfaces, but we only would do redundant stuff and always need to stay in sync with TMS improvements. This causes a lot of maintenance work on our side.

    This also influenced our decision regarding the credentials. I agree that a TMS connector will make perfect sense here, but most of the user community uses certificates anyway. Hence our decision not to go for the extra mile, so we left it to partners to do integration work if they want to. Netfox is one of them, and of course they want to sell their solution.

    Can't you use certificates for SGN 5.5x and credentials for SGE 4.5 in parallel? That should be working perfectly.

    With compliments,

  • Hi Typhoon87,

    we decided not to go for TMS integration because of the PKI integration in SafeGuard Enterprise. Our assumption is that TMS can handle this without us perfectly, and an interface from SGN to TMS is not really required. I agree that you may have to use multiple interfaces, but we only would do redundant stuff and always need to stay in sync with TMS improvements. This causes a lot of maintenance work on our side.

    This also influenced our decision regarding the credentials. I agree that a TMS connector will make perfect sense here, but most of the user community uses certificates anyway. Hence our decision not to go for the extra mile, so we left it to partners to do integration work if they want to. Netfox is one of them, and of course they want to sell their solution.

    Can't you use certificates for SGN 5.5x and credentials for SGE 4.5 in parallel? That should be working perfectly.

    With compliments,

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