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Aladdin/Sophos eToken Support in SGN SGN under Windows 7

Hi there,

could you please provide me with information about compatibility of:

- Aladdin/Sophos eToken PRO (Java and Siemens CardOS)

- Windows 7 32/64Bit

- Windows XP 32Bit

- Aladidn/Sophos PKI Client 5.1 SP1

In the release notes in section 3.7 it says: The following smart cards/token are not supported on the Windows Vista or Windows 7 platforms: - CardOS, Siemens profile.

However, this sentence is not listed in section 3.8, that talks about Tokens, rather than SmartCards.

Best regards,



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  • Thomas,

    I have sent them an Email to request the download, but this still seems a bit convaluted. If they tell me its not free this is a big step backwards, I should not have to license additional software to make this work.

    My question that I still have is why did you guys not make a connector? I really think I lose quite a bit of furntionaly or if it is there it is very hidden. See my oringal thread for my semi rant about missing reporting features. Also I am forced to use the pki client then the SGN client then the pki client to set up a token with TMS I can do it completey from the TMS manamagent webpage no clicking between multiple interfaces. () All current tokens will either need to be re-formated to work with SNG this causes issues with some departments I have share laptops and as the machines will not all would not be upgraded at one time meaning some users would be forced to carry two tokens one SEG 4.5X and one SGN 5.5X formatted.

    Is there something I am missing?

  • Thomas,

    I have sent them an Email to request the download, but this still seems a bit convaluted. If they tell me its not free this is a big step backwards, I should not have to license additional software to make this work.

    My question that I still have is why did you guys not make a connector? I really think I lose quite a bit of furntionaly or if it is there it is very hidden. See my oringal thread for my semi rant about missing reporting features. Also I am forced to use the pki client then the SGN client then the pki client to set up a token with TMS I can do it completey from the TMS manamagent webpage no clicking between multiple interfaces. () All current tokens will either need to be re-formated to work with SNG this causes issues with some departments I have share laptops and as the machines will not all would not be upgraded at one time meaning some users would be forced to carry two tokens one SEG 4.5X and one SGN 5.5X formatted.

    Is there something I am missing?

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