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Aladdin/Sophos eToken Support in SGN SGN under Windows 7

Hi there,

could you please provide me with information about compatibility of:

- Aladdin/Sophos eToken PRO (Java and Siemens CardOS)

- Windows 7 32/64Bit

- Windows XP 32Bit

- Aladidn/Sophos PKI Client 5.1 SP1

In the release notes in section 3.7 it says: The following smart cards/token are not supported on the Windows Vista or Windows 7 platforms: - CardOS, Siemens profile.

However, this sentence is not listed in section 3.8, that talks about Tokens, rather than SmartCards.

Best regards,



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  • Check this thread for info on Etoken and its management. I was sorely dissapointed to see that currently the TMS management center is not supported by SGN.

    I have been playihng on and off trying to get this to work without having to reissue every token out there, also the SGN has nowehere near the amount of logging or management options for the tokens. I requested some sort of brige that would allow SNG to talk to TMS.

    We use the Etoken 64k Java OS, with Etoken TMS 5.1 SP1, PKI 5.1 SP1 and Etoken logon 5.1 currently on Safeguard Easy machins but they are 4.50.

  • Check this thread for info on Etoken and its management. I was sorely dissapointed to see that currently the TMS management center is not supported by SGN.

    I have been playihng on and off trying to get this to work without having to reissue every token out there, also the SGN has nowehere near the amount of logging or management options for the tokens. I requested some sort of brige that would allow SNG to talk to TMS.

    We use the Etoken 64k Java OS, with Etoken TMS 5.1 SP1, PKI 5.1 SP1 and Etoken logon 5.1 currently on Safeguard Easy machins but they are 4.50.

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