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Sophos encryption problem


In our company, we have a policy of encrypting PCs with Sophos Encryption. Everything was going smoothly until last week. The PCs were initially encrypted with BitLocker in AES 128 by Windows. Consequently, I disabled the encryption, and then I integrated the PCs into the encryption policy in Sophos. Sophos took over and received the BitLocker key, but it did not encrypt the workstation; it remains in "Not encrypted" status. Secondly, one of the computers was restarted, and Windows is requesting the BitLocker key. I tried using the key from Sophos Central, but it doesn't work (the computer is marked as "Not encrypted", but I can see the BitLocker key). We also tried using the original BitLocker key (which Windows encrypts automatically), but that doesn't work either.

Thanks for the replys !

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