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Moved DB - Test and users still reporting to old DB?

    We recently moved a SGE 7.1 DB from one SQL cluster to another. I was able to reconfigured through SGE Manager to point to the new location, restarted, created server config packages for the internal server and for a server in the DMZ we use for clients on the internet to report to. However, after running the Config package installer, uninstalling the old config and installing the new, the test page (where you test Connection to the DB) is still connecting to the old database. Likewise, it appears that the clients are as well. The clients are configured to connect to a DNS name that hasn't changed.

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  • Did you restart the machine after removing and then applying the new config? I have known clients/servers to remember the config and a reboot was required before it would use the new config.


    I would also use the tool (Server connectivity Check) SGNCSCC on the client. This will confirm exactly what the client is pointing at. The client though doesn't ever point at the SQL server - just the servers do this. The clients should (and do) point at the servers for connectivity.

    The tool can be found here - c:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\SafeGuard Enterprise\Client\SGNCSCC.exe 


    If the client is pointing at the wrong server (although it doesn't sound as if you've changed this) this will be evident in this tool. 


  • Yes, I have restarted the server. The internal server works correctly (the internally connected systems report to the new DB location) but the one in the DMZ does not. It still proxies the external systems to the old DB.


    The tool you mention must be in the SGE 7 client, as it doesn't appear to exist in the 6.00.1 client.


    I guess I'll have to contact support as I'm out of ideas about how to get this to update.

  • Yes, I have restarted the server. The internal server works correctly (the internally connected systems report to the new DB location) but the one in the DMZ does not. It still proxies the external systems to the old DB.


    The tool you mention must be in the SGE 7 client, as it doesn't appear to exist in the 6.00.1 client.


    I guess I'll have to contact support as I'm out of ideas about how to get this to update.
