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Macbook No Secure Token



So we have a macbook pro with ZERO users installed with Secure Tokens.  running 10.13.6 when you try to install sophos it installs but will not encrypt saying no users have secure token.


I have hunted high and low on the internet done all sorts of things including rerunning setup which allows you to create another users SCARY!! but doesn't give it a secure token so i'm a bit stuffed.


I read in this thread

That you can activate filevault2 another way... If I do this it will of course not be through sophos and will have a local key, if that works can i do that then install sophos over the top if that creates a secure token for the user and then go from there, and somehow then get that key into shopos.  Or if anyone else has had similar if it's only the odd laptop like this am i better just blowing them away and re-creating from scratch and then copying their data back from a backup onto the laptop.

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