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Database Schema


we have just started using Sophos Safeguard

I have been asked to create management reports from it for presentation at Operational Security Meetings

The original consultant suggested that the best way to accomplish this was direct from the database possibly by using Business Objects or similar

I've approached the Business Objects person in the business and asked if this is feasible and I was asked for details of the schema and the organisation of the data within the database.

My knowledge of SQL is none

Has anyone seen any documentation or managed to get these details

in which case would you be prepared to share?



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  • Hi - You can get basic reports from the Inventory function that may suit?


    This "report" includes...

    Encryption type (BL, FV2, Sophos), hostname, OS, POA, Encrypted drives, Unencrypted drives, Last server contact, Last policy received, Modification date and parent DSN.


    You can sort by each column heading.


    You can also export this view so can then customise it within Excel/CSV editor of choice.


    To produce this view of ALL your encrypted machines.

    On the Users and Computers tab - Select the root (or the AD root) on the left.

    On the right select the Inventory tab - Leave computername blank and click Search.

    Ta da - report. Basic but it might do?


    To export....

    Select one machine in the inventory (any - doesn't matter) - Without doing this the options we need are greyed out.

    File and Print Preview....(NOT Print)

    Click OK on the "calculating print area..." message. 

    A separate window will now open - Titled Inventory Report.

    On THIS window select Export Document....

    You can now select a PDF, CSV etc....


    I use this data for all my reports - It does show enough for my needs without having the hassle of logging onto the secure SQL server to run a query and then to export....

    I produced a report each month with this data so staff could see progression. Made some pretty charts in Excel with it for added "wooo" factor.

    Hope this helps and might suit your needs?