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Avoiding server encryption

I'd like to implement a policy for users that encrypt all mobile devices, and I'd like to avoid encrypting servers.


I'd like to create a user policy such that encryption will follow the user. Some of my users may log into some of our server infrastructure. How can I set a policy such that encryption will be limited to mobile devices only?

Or will I need to implement a workaround and set a policy based at the device level?









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  • You wouldn't install the Sophos encryption client on the servers as it's not supported, and as you said you'd not want them encrypted either!

    You can base policies on users but I would suggest creating policies based on groups of users otherwise you'll have loads of policies to manage when most of your users will want/have the same settings/needs!

    The management console that you may install on your Sophos SafeGuard infrastructure (you need a SQL instance as well as at least one Management server) does not include any encryption - it just manages your clients.



    Hope this helps?

  • Thanks Michael,


    Yep, I will assign a group to the encryption and then assign users to the group.


    The servers do not have the encryption service as you stated. This being the trigger than prevents encryption being deployed on the server is a neat solution.



