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After SGN installation, machine powers off

Hi everyone,

This is a Win7 pro install w/ a 6.1 back end. I tried the 8.x client, which never communicated, and I couldn't remove it, so had to rebuild the machine. Tried again with 7.2, but did a restore / recovery point first. 7.2 also would not communicate nor uninstall, so I did a roll back after fixing bootrec & mbr. Now this time I installed the 6 client, thinking no problem. Had to shift + f6 to toggle ATA but it booted to Windows.... and immediately shut down. It will stay running in Safe mode (as SGN isn't running w/out registry modifications) but not working otherwise. Agent never showed in the console. 

Thoughts here?

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  • Hi AWilson,

    not sure about the tests with the version 7 and 8 clients but in general the backend needs to be on the same or a higher version than the clients. I think there were also security improvements in the newer versions in regards to the communication. As SGN 6 is out of support for a while already, it probably makes sense to consider upgrading the backend anyway.

    The immediate shutdown you´ve seen sounds a bit like a local cache corruption. The way you got rid of the SGN 7 client might have left some fragments, which now interfere with the integrity protection of the client. 

    There are also a few knowledge base articles that describe other potential reasons for local cache corruptions:



  • The back end can be higher than the clients, but this works fine. That being said, yes, local cache corruption, and now I know exactly what happened.


    Basically when I ran system restore, it removed the programs but left the local cache folders. This time when I uninstalled the client the files were actually removed. I got it reinstalled and the client is now functioning properly, thanks for the push towards the right direction.



  • Hi Alexander,

    good to hear, thanks for following up here.

