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New Pilot test installation. Cannot see nor manage clients in inventory


I'm giving a chance to Safeguard to adopt that solution in our company for encrypting our devices. 

ATM seems to be really complicated to make it working. 

I've installed the server with database and so on and from Management Center I created and installed the client packaging (and the related sub-packages I need to install before) but nothing seems to be working. 

I only see a new submenu "SafeGuard File Encryption" on the client side but nothing related to the volume encryption I enabled by default policy and bitlocker, that I enabled as well, is still off. I cannot even see my client listed on the Management Center nor licenses have been assigned as I'm stll seen all my trial licenses unassigned/unused. 

I'm followin the document "" but it is not helpful as it doesn't provide all the detailed information I would need to make it working. 

Can you provide me some help please? 


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  • Hi Massimiliano,

    Michael's suggestions make a lot of sense.

    Just a short comment from my side, regarding:

    "I only see a new submenu "SafeGuard File Encryption" on the client side but nothing related to the volume encryption"

    If you only see File Encryption modules when installing the SafeGuard Client, this can be an indicator for having Sophos Central Device Encryption installed (an optional module of the Sophos Central Endpoint). In this case the installer won´t offer full disk encryption.




  • Hi Massimiliano,

    Michael's suggestions make a lot of sense.

    Just a short comment from my side, regarding:

    "I only see a new submenu "SafeGuard File Encryption" on the client side but nothing related to the volume encryption"

    If you only see File Encryption modules when installing the SafeGuard Client, this can be an indicator for having Sophos Central Device Encryption installed (an optional module of the Sophos Central Endpoint). In this case the installer won´t offer full disk encryption.




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