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Can anyone confirm if Sophos Safeguard is compatible with Linx 12XKBD?

I have the up to date hardware compatibility list but cant see anything in regard to Linx 12XKBD.  Does anyone know if Safeguard is compatible with Linx products?  There don't appear to be any Linx machines on the verified compatibility list. 

Thanks in advance for any clarity. 

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  • It's not a commercial brand (or a common one either sadly) so I don't expect it to appear on the table/list anytime soon!

    That said- if you intend to use BitLocker managed by SafeGuard it'll probably be fine. I'd suspect it may not support a keyboard at POST so best to check this before you apply a BitLocker PIN or password.

    I can't see from a Google if it has TPM either - Again I'd suspect not but you never know! Looks like a good budget Surface replacement though!

  • It's not a commercial brand (or a common one either sadly) so I don't expect it to appear on the table/list anytime soon!

    That said- if you intend to use BitLocker managed by SafeGuard it'll probably be fine. I'd suspect it may not support a keyboard at POST so best to check this before you apply a BitLocker PIN or password.

    I can't see from a Google if it has TPM either - Again I'd suspect not but you never know! Looks like a good budget Surface replacement though!

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