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Admin permissions to copy to USB Stick ?

Hello - me again.


Safeguard Media USB encryption - Policies all seem to be working fine, however Ive had a couple of instances where a user is not permitted to copy data to a USB stick and is given an error 'destination folder access denied', 'you'll need to provide administrator permission to copy to this folder' - and we can proceed. We tried other sticks, and they work fine.


Has anyone seen this?

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  • on the desktop mainly. 


    Ive just noticed though, its only 1 model of USB stick, others are fine. I think it might have something to do with Sophos Central. We have a policy in place to block usb's, but have exemptions added. The USB that through s up the error has been added as an exemption, but gives the error i mention in the original post. 


    Im in a separate Sophos Central USB policy that allows all USB's, and it works fine for me. SO it has to be something to do with this.




  • Ive worked it out.


    Il say a halfway house between user error and sophos. 


    The central policy that was set to block removable media had an exemption to allow 'read only'. When setting this to 'allow' the stick operated as normal. 


    I think the downfall here was that the error message i received was a windows error message and not a Sophos one, which led me away from the source.