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Integrating Sophos vSEA with Exchange 2013

Hello Everyone,


I am planning to deploy SEA for our Mail Security and currently have Exchange 2013 (1x MB/CAS Server and 1x Edge Server). Incoming SMTP is NATed to Edge Server (In/Out) and the Send Connector has Edge as the outgoing mail server.


It looks simple from the documentation but I am really unable to figure out how actually the things should be in place. I am thinking of below;

- NAT SMTP to SEA (In/Out)

- Disable the current Send Connector and Create a new one and add SEA as Smart Host and chose the MB/CAS server as i don't see the role of Edge server anymore

- Integrated SEA with AD using LDAP

- In SEA Configure MB/CAS server under Mail Delivery Serves & Internal Mail Hosts


Is there anything i am missing ?

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