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UTM and XG VPN Support Question

Hi All,

I'm new to Sophos and this is my first post.

I have been using pfSense for a few months now and it seems to be working ok more or less but I have recently learned of Sophos UTM and XG home firewalls.

I have not yet actually tried either of your home edition offerings but am leaning towards moving to one or the other. From what I have read so far both the UTM and XG are fairly feature rich and I really like the GUI in both particularly the XG.

From what I can tell both UTM and XG have all the features I need except for one possible caveat, the info I found concerning VPN's wasn't really clear for a newb such as myself.

I have a VPN account through ExpressVPN and I am wondering if this will work with either UTM or XG like it does in pfSense?

If not is there any future plans to make it work?

As a side note ExpressVPN can be manually configured on a router using either OpenVPN, PPTP, or L2TP-IPSec.


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