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Reset outside window - false alarm?

I'm getting thousands of these a day, most times (99.99%) with internal sources, sometimes with an external source.
Firmware is 17.1.3 MR3

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Parents Reply
  • The KBA is pointing about the fact of invalid traffic after V17.0 - not pre V17.0

    Checked all my appliances, none of these are showing those alerts. But i use a timeout value of 24 hours. 


  • Just wanted to point out that I don't know that issue on my other XG appliances. Since I had another problem with that device I wanted to do a firmware downgrade, which resulted in losing most of it's configuration. I configured the same rules and IPS configuration on 17.0.9 and until now (2 days) everything is OK, not a single "Reset outside window"...

    Gruß / Regards,

    Sophos CE/CA (XG+UTM), Gold Partner