Open IPv6 Issues / questions

- will the fix for issue NUTM-7187 be included with 9.5?

- is there a fix in the works for IPv6 Connections where the WAN Port is supposed to use an address out of the delegated prefix? Currently users of such ISPs do not get any IPv6 address. (for esxample KPN netherlands)

- what about the ability to change/edit the UID for IPv6 Delegation Requests?

- what about long standing feature requests such as 6tunnel integration, lets encrypt - is that on the roadmap? Users, myself included had high hopes for 9.5 but this seems to be more than a maintance release.


thank you in advance.

  • Hi rfcat_vk,

    Are you referring to the “DHCP server” and “IPv6 prefix advertisement” features on the UTM?

    If yes, I want to clarify that there hasn’t been any change in behavior for this feature between 9.4 and 9.5. Also, you could (as already suggested by Ben) set the appropriate values for valid and preferred lifetimes for the advertised prefixes.

    If not, I apologize for not having understood you clearly. Would be great if you could capture and share the screenshots that show the warning message that you observed regarding the flag that needs to be set. Also, any other screenshots that would show the difference in behavior between 9.4 and 9.5 would be of great help for us to be able to isolate/debug unforeseen issues in 9.5.




  • Ben, I never asked or even implied I was suggesting removing the home licence IP limit, not sure how you worked that out from my post?

    I was commenting using advertisement very quickly adds addresses to the count.

    I just fixed the IPv6 DHCP and advertisement issue, now I will change the lease time as you suggested because my IP6v devices now have 3 addresses.

    XG115W - v20.0.2 MR-2 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v21 EAP

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  • Hi Prakash,

    the issue arose because the advertisement does not show the additional boxes to be ticked if you want to use a DHCP server.

    Also there is no warning as to where to enable the feature except in the UTM.

    I have ticked the box and now have 3 IPv6 addresses per device and as only one will age off because it comes under the DHCP server control. I suppose I could change the range to the full /64, wait until the unused addresses age off then reset the assignable range.

    Brilliant idea, but fell at the first post.

    XG115W - v20.0.2 MR-2 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v21 EAP

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  • I bet I have the same issue as rklomp, since my ISP (XS4ALL) uses the same technology as KPN.
    Or probably the other way around, XS4ALL provides IPv6 for many years already, KPN (XS4ALL is 'nowdays' a sub-brand of KPN) just started :P

    So, if I understand it correctly, bugfix NUTM-7187 is promising for PPPoE/VLAN connections, but not yet working for PPPoE via VLAN if the ISP uses linklocal addresses? 

  • " I am using a home licence with a limit of 50 IP addresses so I quite concerned if suddenly all my devices get two additional addresses instead of 1. While I am not near my limit it is disturbing that each device is assigned 3 IP addresses, so 16 devices takes you to your licence limit."

    didn't want to imply anything, but this problem of yours is exactly why the IPv6 Adress count vs. licence doesn't make sense as a single windows machine will quickly use up your IP licences since it will change around IPv6 adresses unless you deactive privacy extension and do some other mumbo jumbo. 


    Sophos UTM 9.3 Certified Engineer

  • Hi Ben,

    I got the addressing back under control with dhcp and advertisment. Back to one IPv6 address per device.

    I would like to see the address count issue addressed for the licencing purpose. A small business might buy a 10 usr licence (have does this) and suddenly they blow their licence due to double counting.

    XG115W - v20.0.2 MR-2 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v21 EAP

    If a post solves your question please use the 'Verify Answer' button.

  • i realize there was easter holidays, but is there any ETA on the fix of the lost prefix? i am delaying a setup right now that would need it and thus trying to work a time table. Thank you in advance.


    Sophos UTM 9.3 Certified Engineer

  • Hi Ben,

    A "potential" fix should be available before EOD today (PST). Hope it works well this time... let us know how it goes.


  • thanks for the swift reply Prakash

    Please feel free to install it on the sophos with the open ticket anytime. ill than copy it to my test machine aswell and report back here on both.


    Sophos UTM 9.3 Certified Engineer

  • I have installed the fix (/root/fix-2.1/ep-ipv6-watchdog-9.40-2.gce849c7.i686.rpm) on the UTM.

    The ppp0 interface did get the prefix correctly.  Let us keep monitoring the behavior now...

