When will Sophos XG support Let's encrypt like UTM 9.6?



I am a Sophos XG user and do like it, but UTM has this feature that support let's encrypt this is really one of the feature Sophos XG not have.

There are a few other features, is there someone who knows if this feature is not the Sophos XG roadmap ? When can we expect this feature ?

  • Would suggest to do it at your own. There are X ways to archive this. And after all it depends on your preferred language. 


  • LuCar you completely missed the point.  It should be automated as it is in SG, and don't make me get on my soap box about how the certificate authorities and how much they charge for something DV certs...  EV certs are a different story, they are worth something (IF the CA actually does some investigating and background checks...)  DV should be free.  There is almost never human intervention with a DV cert from a CA.

    I digressed, back to the point.

    Type up all the examples you want about how to get and install a LE certificate, they (the examples you provided) still require my time to intervene.  It shouldn't.  I am in the process of switching a customer from SG to XG and when I was looking for this feature, and when I found out its not available in XG, well, it makes me mad.
    It is in SG, and it is simple to implement, so why is it not in XG?

    There are enough glaring shortcomings in XG, but I guess we can add another one to the list.

    Gotta be honest, this would have been a deal breaker if I had known.  I would have stayed with SG.

  • I'm waiting for an answer for this one ... Unproductive and wasted time + error prone process ...

    Paul Jr

  • JamieBah1 said:

    LuCar you completely missed the point.  It should be automated as it is in SG, and don't make me get on my soap box about how the certificate authorities and how much they charge for something DV certs...  EV certs are a different story, they are worth something (IF the CA actually does some investigating and background checks...)  DV should be free.  There is almost never human intervention with a DV cert from a CA.

    I digressed, back to the point.

    Type up all the examples you want about how to get and install a LE certificate, they (the examples you provided) still require my time to intervene.  It shouldn't.  I am in the process of switching a customer from SG to XG and when I was looking for this feature, and when I found out its not available in XG, well, it makes me mad.
    It is in SG, and it is simple to implement, so why is it not in XG?

    There are enough glaring shortcomings in XG, but I guess we can add another one to the list.

    Gotta be honest, this would have been a deal breaker if I had known.  I would have stayed with SG.

    100% Agree.

    You are even advertising it yourself: XG Firewall has the latest next-gen firewall technology. It Includes all key features of SG UTM, ...

    Source: https://www.sophos.com/de-de/products/choose-firewall.aspx