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QuickBooks Updates failing

I've got a client whose QuickBooks updates fail on an XG125 with XG OS 17.0.3 MR-3 unless we disable http scanning and IDS on the firewall rule. The firewall and web filter do not log any denies. I've also seen some odd behavior with streaming installs of Office 365 and Dropbox on this same firewall. 

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  • Lonnie,

    I am glad it was useful. I have had multiple scenarios with these over Office365, Microsoft Updates, QB Updates and others. Researching them is frustrating without any real information. I have a separate install on my laptop (paid for) that I use for testing. My clue was: it worked when I connected outside the network, but not on my Sophos protected network.



  • This is definitely one of the frustrating aspects of using HTTPS Decryption. I find often an application or website won’t work but there’s nothing in the logs that indicates an issue. In fact, it appears everything is normal. I basically just look for any URLs related to the application or website (web filter in the logs) and start adding them to a web exception until it starts working. There’s some applications I end up adding an entire category to get it to work.

    I’ve created a page on the Sophos Wiki here to document the URLs that I know don’t work with HTTPS Decryption:

    Would be a great place for the community to consolidate their findings (it’s editable by any user) to save other folks the hassle of having to troubleshoot.


    Sophos XG guides for home users:

  • at least for SG you need these lines with the additional HTTPS part.



    XG may need it also but this solved the issue on SG

    with the lines originally recommended it did not work.

  • My exception is now broken, was working until a couple weeks ago.

    2020:08:06-10:20:34 httpproxy[16299]: id="0002" severity="info" sys="SecureWeb" sub="http" name="web request blocked" action="block" method="GET" srcip="X.X.X.X" dstip="X.X.X.X" user="" group="" ad_domain="" statuscode="416" cached="0" profile="REF_DefaultHTTPProfile (Default Web Filter Profile)" filteraction="REF_DefaultHTTPCFFAction (Default content filter action)" size="0" request="0xd0e18e00" url=""

