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Adding IView breaks SCFM

Anyone else find that adding IView to devices that are connected to SCFM breaks the connection? I had a bunch of XG85W that were talking to SCFM just fine but because that model lacks on-box reporting we decided to fire up an IView server and point them to it in logging. I did the configuration change through SCFM and noticed that devices that received the IView config started dropping connection to SCFM. It seems that you can have IView or CFM on syslog but not both. My workaround for now is to set Central Management to use HTTPS rather than the 'recommended' syslog. This is a bit annoying because I no longer have central management and have to remote into each location to make the change. Hopefully with the release of CFM v16 this will be resolved although I'm not holding my breath.

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