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How to block youtube for a particular IP range in Sophos XG

Hi everyone,

Firstly let me explain the setup i have for my home network

Have WAN plugged into a mini PC which runs Sophos XG. On Interface 4 of Mini PC i have plugged in ubiquiti AP from which other devices get wifi connection ( mobile phone , laptop etc )

The IP range i have assigned for Port 4 is

What I'm trying to achieve is to test and block youtube for wifi users , also  would like to limit internet speed / usage after 7pm on weekdays

Please advise if its possible with the setup i have

Please include screen shots of rules if possible 

Unable to upload any from my end cos im at work 

Keep up the good work on the discussions , very helpful 


Raju George


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  • You appear to have two address ranges on port 4. Are you using the unifi ap to assign ip addresses, if so you must have a Nat which the XG will not see the 10 range.


    XG115W - v20.0.2 MR-2 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20.0.2 MR-2

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  • Hi Ian,

    Have this on Port 4 

    I can change the Unifi Wireless Network to match the above range , if that would help

  • Do you use the Unifi AP to assign IP Addresses to connections? Managing access and firewall rules is much easier if you allow the XG to assign IP addresses.

    Port 4 is a 192.168 address range, the unified clients should also be in that range if you want to suse the XG firewall rules.

    What is the aim of using the 10.1 IP address range?


    XG115W - v20.0.2 MR-2 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20.0.2 MR-2

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  • Hi Ian,

    Was wanting to have different networks , like

    Port 172.16.16 /24

    Port 2 WAN on 192.168.1/24

    Port 3 on 10.0.0 / 24

    Port 4 on 10.1.1 / 24  

    Is there another way to achieve this

    Please advise

  • The unified network needs it own range as you have configured and has nothing to do with port 4.

    You have labelled port 4 as LAN it should be WAN then your rules might work.

    How do you connect to the internet?


    XG115W - v20.0.2 MR-2 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20.0.2 MR-2

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  • I believe I'm connected to Internet via Port 2 since WAN cable from ISP is connected to Port 2

    Can we name two Ports with WAN label ?

  • The IP address on port 2 does not seem to be an address an ISP would assign you, more like something you have signed yourself.

    Change port 2 to DHCP.

    With your setup you would have 3 internal LAN ports and one WAN port.

    What is your ISP/RSP?


    XG115W - v20.0.2 MR-2 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20.0.2 MR-2

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  • Hi Ian , is it because i have Dynamic DNS as below 

    Had created them for enabling Sophos Connect ( VPN ) 

    My ISP is TPG  ( Fibre to Premise )

  • So, what has the vpn got to do with your internet connection or do you use it to access YouTube outside of Australia?

    XG115W - v20.0.2 MR-2 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20.0.2 MR-2

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  • No , i dont access YouTube etc outside of Australia 

    Was thinking if the Dynamic DNS config was an issue , so posted it

    Please advise