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Export private key from Sophos XG


I've been using the Sophos XG for a number of years with an SSL certificate that I use for the Admin portal, etc. I use a wildcard certificate that I purchase so that I can use it on some other servers as well. Today, I purchased a new wildcard certificate to use on my Sophos XG box, and other servers.

  1. I generated the CSR in Sophos.
  2. Exported the CSR to secure a copy.
  3. Pasted the CSR to my Certificate provider.
  4. Was provided with a certificate in a number of different formats. 
  5. Used the 'import' icon on the previously created CSR to add the new SSL certificate.
  6. Changed the Admin settings to use the new certificate.

Everything went flawlessly.

Then, I went to add the same wildcard SSL certificate to my TrueNAS system. Pasted in the Public key of the certificate, then went back to Sophos XG to grab the private key... WTF, I can't find it. I did this last year without issue.

Where is Sophos now hiding my private key, and how do I export it? 

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