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Application filter is not working


I have a problem with my XG-Sophos application filter, I created an application control policy to prevent X-VPN, Thunder VPN and VPN Lighter apps, but still those apps allowed, when   i check the log viewer i found them allowed

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  • You need to add an exception in web exceptions. The application policy works well. Or you could delete WhatsApp from your policy.

    You cannot just turn on a policy an expect it work, you need to be able to test the traffic and limit the applications ability to bypass your rules.

    When you understand that you will have less issues with blocking Applications etc from accessing the internet. If you do not want setup an exception you can create a firewall rule that allows access to only the WhatsApp sites for specific users.


    XG115W - v20 GA - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20 GA

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