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Devices behind RED not reachable


I have seen that several discussions have been on the subject... but I can't find the solution....

My XG115 is set to, DHCP 192.168.100-254. The RED 20 is set to, DHCP Rules are set: from the source RED to target LAN and WAN, everything is allowed.

From the RED 20 side, everything is fine. I can acces the web and any computer connected to the XG115. I can also ping and reach any device behind the RED 20.

From the XG115 network, I can ping the RED 20. But I cannot reach any device behind it. The problem is: there is a scanner/printer behind the RED 20 that needs to be accessible to all users. I guess its a problem with the rules, I just don't get it...

Any idea?

Thanks in advance!

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