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STAS ongoing Authentication issues

Hey guys,

My love  / hate with STAS continues.

I have had STAS set up for quite sometime and it works for the most part. I have around 250 PC's / Users connected and around 95% of them Authenticate Ok.

Then I have a bunch of random PC's that just will not Authenticate - rebooting the PC makes little difference and no matter what they just wont happen. These Users / PC's were fine last week.

I checked WMI and from the STAS screen they work fine, the users dont appear in Live users and the XG Authentication logs dont show them.


Its like the Logon Event just isn't being read. I have 3 DCs and STAS on each in one collector group.

I have been through the STAS Install / Set up guide a few times to ensure nothing was missed and I am confident all is as it should be including FW Ports, Services, Auditing etc. This must be ok as many PC's work fine.

The Windows DCs are 2016 and 2019 - Firewalls off for testing. Connectivity from each DC to the XG is fine and no errors.


I am at a loss as to where to look next on these PC's that just wont authenticate.

Any suggestions where to next?


I started loading the CAA onto these to get them up and running again.



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