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Android Enterprise Authentication on App Store not working

I am having problems getting my corporate Cat S41 devices setup in Android Enterprise mode. At first it would not accept afw#sophos at all, used a google account but that left the devices in Legacy Device mode. 

After a factory reset it will now allow the use of afw#sophos during the initial setup of the device. It will allow the Mobile Control app to be installed and update the system apps on the device. But that's it. No other apps that are on our mandatory apps list. I can't download apps from the managed play store as it keeps asking to sign in with a google account. 

Pushing the app from Central "fails completely". 

I tried the re-authenticating with play store button in the Control app. I tried with clearing Play Store cache and even with clear data. Tried again after factory reset but still no change. 

Android is version 8.0.













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