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Sophos tries to install AD apps

Sophos keeps forcing me to install apps I never requested, why this is not mentioned anywhere in the Google Play page that this app forces you to install apps as advertising?

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  • Nothing in your video indicates it is anything at all initiated by Sophos Mobile Control. Considering you have a ton of APKs downloaded yourself you are either downloading them or have something running on your phone if you don't.

    All your video has shown is that Mobile Security has blocked an unofficial app from being installed.

    Firstly, you need to explain what is going on with your phone and why you have so many APKs.

    The alternative to you doing this is an infected. Mobile Security app and the likelihood of that is incredibly low and if that were the case it would be incredibly helpful if you provided sensible and descriptive information due to the seriousness of the issue.

    Otherwise, we have no idea what your problem is as it all looks like normal behaviour.
