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No MDM sync after upgrade to 8.5.4

I upgraded to the version 8.5.4 on a customer installation about 3 weeks ago.

Since the update the devices don't sync correctly anymore, to be exactly:
- MDM sync has a date before the update on most devices, some synced for the last time 2 days after the update
- SMC sync has an actual date
- SSE sync has an actual date
- SSW has an old date (but isn't used anyway)

The failing sync was resulting in nearly all devices becoming uncompliant and closing access to the SSE container. Actual workaround was deactivating the compliance entry for the sync.

I tested to connect a new device which worked without any problem. I tried restarting the (standalone) EAS proxy and the SMC server but without any luck. In the logs I didn't find any clue what's going wrong.

Any ideas where I can have a look at?

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