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PUA "remnants" persistent in Windows 10 Sophos Home. Conflicting Support Responses.


Sophos does not recommend adding exclusions unless you are 100% sure the application is safe. We recommend customers submit a sample of the application's executable (.exe) to Sophos' Lab for a review and, if needed, a re-categorization

The above is an excerpt from the Sophos Home Support Page Adding-local-exclusions-Allowing-Installations-and-or-applications-to-run

I have a year's subscription to Sophos Home Premium. Links in the Community for Sophos Home take me to the minimalist Sophos Home Support pages.

From 5 January through 2 March I attempted to have this advice acted upon by Sophos Home Support.

This involved multiple chats, reinstalls, reboots, scans, screenshots and SDU Log uploads.

Highlights(not) of Support:

  • Do you really need the Application?
  • Are you sure you submitted it?
  • If the response had outdated links in it you must have submitted it in the wrong place
  • to prevent these messages from cluttering your dashboard, we suggest not running scans via "scan computer"
  • Please let me know if you have any further questions

Today I ran a scan via "scan computer", it showed 100s of PUA remnants and also 13 tracking/malicious cookies. The right click full PC scan did not show anything, nor did the scheduled remote scan.

I was advised to "Let Real-Time protection do its job and you will be protected"

Therefore the Sophos app on my Taskbar becomes a glorified link to the settings, and cookies go unnoticed.

Adding Folders as cloud exceptions or local .exe files makes no difference to outcome. I was informed the Exception Folders will not be scanned for changes By Sophos.

Does this also mean not covered by the real-time protection?

The application in question is CleanMyPC a system tool from MacPaw who also have CleanMyMac. CCleaner is the nearest equivalent in capabilities/system permissions.

CCleaner is on the LABs PUA controlled list.




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