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Issues with Sophos Technical Support!!

I work a small IT firm that services both residential and business clients.

I currently have an open case with Sophos technical support. They have been giving me the runaround for 2 weeks now.

We have been having this issue where our AP55c's keep dropping off of our XG firewall. According to Sophos support this is a brand new firmware issue that we have discovered?!?

My main question here is: has anyone ever had to traverse hell and back to get a firmware issue fixed? My main problem is not how long it is taking to fix. If this is a new issue, I understand. What I do not understand - why they are being zero transparent with us at all. Everyday they just say it will probably be fixed tomorrow. 7 tomorrows have come and gone. No results.

This client is a larger business that we service and this is the first job we have done for them. At this point we are putting a different brand of access points to get them by. This is probably the death-nail in our relationship with Sophos.

We have never had any other issues with Sophos so far. We became a reseller last year and have put in probably 10 other Sophos systems without issue.


All I want is for Sophos to be nice, normal, and TRANSPARENT. Why would you give a company THAT TALKS UP AND SELLS YOUR EQUIPMENT the cold shoulder. Just disappointing.

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