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How to get rid of a PUA (Bundlore) that keeps reinstalling when cleaned? (MAC HighSierra)

Hi, Sophos keeps detecting a PUA, I Clean the PUA and it comes back 2 minutes after. How can I get rid definitely of this PUA? 




Here is how it all started: 

I download a software online, run the install, the mouse starts moving by her self, the screen gets black then gets back to normal. I delete the software strait away and empty the trash. When I open google chrome the default browser as changed to Safari, and on both browsers the default homepage is " ". 

I cannot change the browser nor on Google Chrome or Safari. 

Apparently I have a Malware, so I instal Sophos and run the scan, identify the problems and clean them all, but one PUA keeps coming back and I still cannot change my default browser.

Am I infected? How to get rid of the Malwares?


Thanks for your helps, cheers 


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