Does this new plugin create, or rely on, CWA searches/groups/scripts?

Connectwise Automate Version and Patch Level: 2019.10 (patch10)
Sophos Central Plug-in Version Number (From Plugin Manager):
Automate Server Location: Self-Hosted

The plugin setup was easy enough and appears to be syncing with our portal.

Other than auto-deploy of agent, assigning of product profiles and displaying portal Alerts, does this new plugin provide incident remediation or other automation?

Perhaps there's some additional documentation I've missed that provides an overview of how this plugin works vs. the previous plugin? Is this new plugin a total rip&replace of the previous plugin, or does it reuse some of the building blocks of the old plugin in some ways (CWA searches/groups/scripts, alert templates, internal/remote monitors, ticketing, etc)?

Thanks for getting this out.