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Trying to upgrade Enterprise Console from 5.3.1 to 5.5.1 and Encryption is stopping me

Hi there,


I am trying to update my Enterprise console from 5.3.1 to 5.5.1 and it is telling me that I cannot as I have Encryption installed and must uninstall it before I can continue.

However I have looked around it it seems I need to run x64: msiexec /i Server64.msi REMOVE=Encryption from the original installer location (I tried it from the new 5.5.1 installer location but it isn't having any of it). Sadly I no longer have the 5.3.1 installer files and looking on the legacy enterprise console page it only has 5.1 and then jumps to 5.4.1

Oh and all my endpoints have been migrated to Safeguard Enterprise which now resides on a separate server, so that is not an issue.

Is there any way I can remove Encryption without the 5.3.1 installer package?


Thanks in advance

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