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Windows 10 v1903 Logoff issues


We are testing Windows 10 V1903.

When we logoff from the Windows 10 Desktop it goes to a Black screen and the computer is unresponsive, can't even ping the desktop.   A hard reboot is necessary to get back in.   At first I thought it was video card related but same thing happened on 4 different machines.    When we uninstall the Sophos Endpoint, windows acts as it should and logging off is possible.

I have seen the memory issues with regards to V1903 but not this.   Has this been reported and is it an issues with anyone else?

I have created a ticket.

Thanks again,


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  • Hey Mark

    We also have this issue. Testing a new image - windows 10 1903

    As soon as Sophos is installed we get black screen at sign out. Hard boot is the only way out.

    However, it also looks like it happens when Citrix VDA is installed on the same machine.

    Are you using Citrix also? Just curious.



  • Hey Mark

    We also have this issue. Testing a new image - windows 10 1903

    As soon as Sophos is installed we get black screen at sign out. Hard boot is the only way out.

    However, it also looks like it happens when Citrix VDA is installed on the same machine.

    Are you using Citrix also? Just curious.


