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Cant Uninstall Sophos Endpoint on my Windows 7 computer

 I have about 5 computers with the same issue, all on the same network for one of our clients.

Windows 7 pro, 64 bit, Sophos Endpoint Software v10.

Logged in locally with the Admin account, and have followed the support page (  and tried to uninstall from the control panel, however getting this error message

------------Error 1721: There is a problem with this windows installer package----------------


Having the same issue for all the computer.


Please help

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  • Which component are you trying to uninstall?

    Which ever it is, then essentially it will be represented under the following "Uninstall" keys:

    If it's Native then under:

    If it's 32 on 64-bit under:

    For each product there will be a UninstallString value.

    For example, on my Central Client I have SAV
    This is a 32-bit package on a 64-bit computer hence it is under WOW6432Node.
    Under this key I can confirm it's SAV as it has the DisplayName as "Sophos Anti-Virus".
    In this instance the uninstallstring value is 

    MsiExec.exe /X{6654537D-935E-41C0-A18A-C55C2BF77B7E}
    which is what is called when you attempt an uninstall from Programs and Features.

    I would therefore run, the following command against the component that is failing to get an uninstall log:
    MsiExec.exe /X{6654537D-935E-41C0-A18A-C55C2BF77B7E} /L*v%temp%savuninstalllog.txt

    Can you provide this?




  • Which component are you trying to uninstall?

    Which ever it is, then essentially it will be represented under the following "Uninstall" keys:

    If it's Native then under:

    If it's 32 on 64-bit under:

    For each product there will be a UninstallString value.

    For example, on my Central Client I have SAV
    This is a 32-bit package on a 64-bit computer hence it is under WOW6432Node.
    Under this key I can confirm it's SAV as it has the DisplayName as "Sophos Anti-Virus".
    In this instance the uninstallstring value is 

    MsiExec.exe /X{6654537D-935E-41C0-A18A-C55C2BF77B7E}
    which is what is called when you attempt an uninstall from Programs and Features.

    I would therefore run, the following command against the component that is failing to get an uninstall log:
    MsiExec.exe /X{6654537D-935E-41C0-A18A-C55C2BF77B7E} /L*v%temp%savuninstalllog.txt

    Can you provide this?




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