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Migrate Windows Endpoint to new management server


i need, as subject, to migrate my windows endpoint from a management server with SEC5.1 to a new management server with SEC5.5.

You should know that the new Server is in another Microsoft Domain, but always in the same network.

I followed the instructions reported here: .

So, i created the .vbs script from new management console, and i executed on my Pc/Endpoint, but doesn't worked. Any changes was made.

This is the log (SophosReinit.txt):

21/07/2017 07:07:16 INFO:  Starting Script
21/07/2017 07:07:16 INFO:  Options:
21/07/2017 07:07:16 INFO:      blnForceRMSRun : Falso
21/07/2017 07:07:16 INFO:      blnForcePatchRun : Vero
21/07/2017 07:07:16 INFO:      blnReconfigurePatch : Vero
21/07/2017 07:07:16 INFO:      blnReconfigureRMS : Vero
21/07/2017 07:07:16 INFO:      strSECGroupPathOut :
21/07/2017 07:07:16 INFO:      intPauseForServiceInSeconds : 10
21/07/2017 07:07:16 INFO:      blnWriteCacToSAUCache : Vero
21/07/2017 07:07:16 INFO:      strLogPath : C:\windows\temp\SophosReInit.txt
21/07/2017 07:07:16 INFO:      strReInitLog : C:\windows\temp
21/07/2017 07:07:16 INFO:      strManagementServerPort : 80
21/07/2017 07:07:16 INFO:      strManagementServer :
21/07/2017 07:07:16 INFO:  --> Is64()
21/07/2017 07:07:16 INFO:  Platform is 64-Bit
21/07/2017 07:07:16 INFO:  <-- Is64()
21/07/2017 07:07:16 INFO:  --> MarkerFound()
21/07/2017 07:07:16 INFO:  Script not already run.
21/07/2017 07:07:16 INFO:  <-- MarkerFound()
21/07/2017 07:07:16 INFO:  --> ServerClassRouter()
21/07/2017 07:07:16 INFO:  Router is a client, ok to run
21/07/2017 07:07:16 INFO:  <-- ServerClassRouter()
21/07/2017 07:07:16 INFO:  Running Patch in force mode
21/07/2017 07:07:16 INFO:  --> FixPatch()
21/07/2017 07:07:16 INFO:  --> StopService()
21/07/2017 07:07:43 INFO:  Return code for stopping service: Sophos Patch Agent :
21/07/2017 07:07:43 INFO:  <-- StopService()
21/07/2017 07:07:43 INFO:  --> DeleteKey()
21/07/2017 07:07:43 INFO:  Attempting to delete key: .\-2147483646\SOFTWARE\Sophos\Sophos Patch Agent\PrimaryServerUrl
21/07/2017 07:07:43 ERROR:  Failed to delete Key: 2
21/07/2017 07:07:43 INFO:  <-- DeleteKey()
21/07/2017 07:07:43 INFO:  --> DeleteKey()
21/07/2017 07:07:43 INFO:  Attempting to delete key: .\-2147483646\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Sophos\Sophos Patch Agent\Setup\PrimaryServer
21/07/2017 07:07:43 ERROR:  Failed to delete Key: 2
21/07/2017 07:07:43 INFO:  <-- DeleteKey()
21/07/2017 07:07:43 INFO:  --> CreateKey()
21/07/2017 07:07:43 INFO:  Attempting to create key: .\-2147483646\SOFTWARE\Sophos\Sophos Patch Agent\PrimaryServerUrl
21/07/2017 07:07:43 ERROR:  Failed to create Key: 2
21/07/2017 07:07:43 INFO:  <-- CreateKey()
21/07/2017 07:07:43 INFO:  --> CreateKey()
21/07/2017 07:07:44 INFO:  Attempting to create key: .\-2147483646\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Sophos\Sophos Patch Agent\Setup\PrimaryServer
21/07/2017 07:07:44 ERROR:  Failed to create Key: 2
21/07/2017 07:07:44 INFO:  <-- CreateKey()
21/07/2017 07:07:44 INFO:  --> StartService()
21/07/2017 07:07:44 INFO:  Return code for starting service: Sophos Patch Agent :
21/07/2017 07:07:44 INFO:  <-- StartService()
21/07/2017 07:07:44 INFO:  --> CreateMarker()
21/07/2017 07:07:44 INFO:  Created marker key (ReInitPatchMarker).
21/07/2017 07:07:44 INFO:  <-- CreateMarker()
21/07/2017 07:07:44 INFO:  <-- FixPatch()
21/07/2017 07:07:44 INFO:  --> FixRMS()
21/07/2017 07:07:44 INFO:  --> GetRMSPath()
21/07/2017 07:07:44 INFO:  RMS Path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Remote Management System\
21/07/2017 07:07:44 INFO:  <-- GetRMSPath()
21/07/2017 07:07:44 INFO:  --> CreateFile()
21/07/2017 07:07:44 INFO:  --> Creating file cac.pem in C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Remote Management System\
21/07/2017 07:07:44 INFO:  <-- CreateFile()
21/07/2017 07:07:44 INFO:  --> CreateFile()
21/07/2017 07:07:44 INFO:  --> Creating file mrinit.conf in C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Remote Management System\
21/07/2017 07:07:44 INFO:  <-- CreateFile()
21/07/2017 07:07:44 INFO:  --> DeleteOrig()
21/07/2017 07:07:44 INFO:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Remote Management System\mrinit.conf.orig does not exist, carrying on.
21/07/2017 07:07:44 INFO:  <-- DeleteOrig()
21/07/2017 07:07:44 INFO:  --> DeleteCacInSAUCache()
21/07/2017 07:07:44 INFO:  --> GetSAUCache()
21/07/2017 07:07:44 INFO:  SAU 'Cache' directory is C:\ProgramData\Sophos\AutoUpdate\
21/07/2017 07:07:44 INFO:  <-- GetSAUCache()
21/07/2017 07:07:44 INFO:  C:\ProgramData\Sophos\AutoUpdate\\Cache\cac.pem exists.  Will delete...
21/07/2017 07:07:44 INFO:  Writing cac.pem to SAU cache...
21/07/2017 07:07:44 INFO:  --> CreateFile()
21/07/2017 07:07:44 INFO:  --> Creating file cac.pem in C:\ProgramData\Sophos\AutoUpdate\\Cache
21/07/2017 07:07:44 INFO:  <-- CreateFile()
21/07/2017 07:07:44 INFO:  <-- DeleteCacInSAUCache()
21/07/2017 07:07:44 INFO:  --> StopService()
21/07/2017 07:07:54 INFO:  Return code for stopping service: Sophos Agent : 0
21/07/2017 07:07:54 INFO:  <-- StopService()
21/07/2017 07:07:54 INFO:  --> StopService()
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  Return code for stopping service: Sophos Message Router : 0
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  <-- StopService()
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  --> DeleteKey()
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  Attempting to delete key: .\-2147483646\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Sophos\Messaging System\cac
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  Deleted Key: 0
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  <-- DeleteKey()
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  --> DeleteKey()
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  Attempting to delete key: .\-2147483646\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Sophos\Messaging System\CertificationIdentityKeys\CertificationIdentityKey
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  Deleted Key: 0
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  <-- DeleteKey()
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  --> DeleteKey()
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  Attempting to delete key: .\-2147483646\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Sophos\Messaging System\Router\Private\pkc
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  Deleted Key: 0
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  <-- DeleteKey()
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  --> DeleteKey()
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  Attempting to delete key: .\-2147483646\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Sophos\Messaging System\Router\Private\pkp
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  Deleted Key: 0
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  <-- DeleteKey()
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  --> DeleteKey()
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  Attempting to delete key: .\-2147483646\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Sophos\Remote Management System\CertificationIdentityKeys\ManagedApplication
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  Deleted Key: 0
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  <-- DeleteKey()
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  --> DeleteKey()
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  Attempting to delete key: .\-2147483646\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Sophos\Remote Management System\ManagementAgent\Private\CertificationIdentityKey
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  Deleted Key: 0
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  <-- DeleteKey()
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  --> DeleteKey()
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  Attempting to delete key: .\-2147483646\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Sophos\Remote Management System\ManagementAgent\Private\pkc
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  Deleted Key: 0
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  <-- DeleteKey()
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  --> DeleteKey()
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  Attempting to delete key: .\-2147483646\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Sophos\Remote Management System\ManagementAgent\Private\pkp
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  Deleted Key: 0
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  <-- DeleteKey()
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  --> RunClientMRInit()
21/07/2017 07:08:04 INFO:  Running command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Remote Management System\ClientMRInit.exe
21/07/2017 07:08:10 INFO:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Remote Management System\ClientMRInit.exe -logpath C:\windows\temp -filepath "C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Remote Management System\" Completed OK.  Exit code 0
21/07/2017 07:08:10 INFO:  --> RunClientMRInit()
21/07/2017 07:08:10 INFO:  --> CreateMarker()
21/07/2017 07:08:10 INFO:  Created marker key (ReInitRMSMarker).
21/07/2017 07:08:10 INFO:  <-- CreateMarker()
21/07/2017 07:08:10 INFO:  --> StartService()
21/07/2017 07:08:11 INFO:  Return code for starting service: Sophos Message Router : 0
21/07/2017 07:08:11 INFO:  <-- StartService()
21/07/2017 07:08:11 INFO:  --> StartService()
21/07/2017 07:08:12 INFO:  Return code for starting service: Sophos Agent : 0
21/07/2017 07:08:12 INFO:  <-- StartService()
21/07/2017 07:08:12 INFO:  <-- FixRMS()
21/07/2017 07:08:12 INFO:  Ending script
21/07/2017 07:08:12 INFO:  --> CloseLog() - No function exit logged

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