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Help I cannot upgrade

Okay I am a Domain Admin I am trying to upgrade to 5.5.0 first I didn't have permission fixed that issue ...sorta

then the db needed upgraded... fine updated mssql ... no more updates found

ran the installer DB needs upgraded ok so I scour the web ... nothing except build the db by hand ... really by hand? ... really?

start running the cmds

don't have permission ... made myself the OWNER of every db in the system

try again still don't have permission

I have spent all day trying to upgrade this junk because my renewed license wont work and my stuff is "off" because I cant get this system to upgrade

simplifying security... what a joke this is by far the most complex upgrade I have ever seen even SharePoint upgrades easier than this why am I messing with the db anyway this isn't smart or simple but as I am out of ideas any suggestions would be greatly appreciated thanks

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