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Sophos Enterprise Console won't install Anti Virus



I have migrated our Sophos Enterprise Console from Windows Server 2008 R2 to Windows Server 2016. The Enterprise Console on the server runs fine. Now I want to complete step 14 from migration guide (Redirect Endpoints to new Enterprise Console). When I click on "Protect computer" the endpoint stuck with the orange arrow.


Next step was to uninstall all sophos components on an endpoint. After uninstall was done, the procedere repeats, but now the endpoint installs only AutoUpdate Service, Certification and Remote Management Folders in ProgramData and AUtoUpdate and Remote Management System in Program Files. The other components (e.g Anti-Virus) won't install. I couldn't find any installation logs on endpoint or server. Maybe I was looking in the wrong paths. I tried it on two endpoints with Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10 1909. Another endpoint with Windows Server 2012 R2 hangs during an installation but cannot be restarted at the moment. The restart or shutdown of services regarding Sophos won't change the state.


I also restarted the server where the enterprise console is installed several times, but nothing happens at the endpoints. What irritates me, is that the communication with the old enterprise console is fine and the new enterprise console shows no connected endpoints after the changing the Update Manager and the updating policy.


System Information:

Enterprise Console 5.5.2 on Windows Server 2016

50-60 Endpoints with Windows 2012 R2, Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016

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