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Intermittent disconnected servers in Entreprise Console

Hello All,

Our environment contains one SEC 5.5.1 with server 2016, and is mainly use to protect Windows Server (2008R2, 2012R2,2016)

We are facing issues to have all servers connected to our console, numbers will go up and suddenly drop, and start to go up again

We have about 900 endpoints, where at max i will say we can see 300 connected all the rest is disconneted

On the SEC router log file we have many entries with

error code: 336462231 - error:140E0197:SSL routines:SSL_shutdown:shutdown while in init

I am assuming that all those actions are bring down the router service and that is why numbers dont go up and stay stable.

On the client side i can find various errors

19.05.2020 10:15:54 166C E ACE_SSL (5664|5740) error code: 336027804 - error:1407609C:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:http request

some with 

19.05.2020 15:41:38 AED8 E ParentLogon::RegisterParent: Caught CORBA system exception, ID ''
OMG minor code (2), described as '*unknown description*', completed = NO

Clients will get connected and the suddenly disconnected for some hours, and then comeback online.

Help and guidance, to where to start looking will be appreciated
I am not sure all servers are afected in the same way

Thanks in advance

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  • Hi QC

    It was a long weekend for me ;)

    So I am back with this problematic today, and trying to continue our investigation as a test I will move a couple of VMs in the same VLAN as our SEC to see if this solves the communication issue. I will come back once I have some results

    I will do a longer capture on both sides to see if we can get some better data

    One point after discussing with our network team is that it seems that our firewall drops connection if there has been no FIN in the session, and I am not able to see any FIN in transmission with wireshark, How does this communication work, is the session open forever ?

    We do have a SCCM setup in the same zone with the same clients, configured to use HTTPs, with PKI certificates and this is working for us, with no issues all VMs are connecting properly and showing online. of course the go through the same firewall for communications

    Waiting on your feedback


  • Client_connection.txt

    Hi I have attached a wireshark capture from one client who is trying to connect fails for a while after trying multiple dynamics ports and the suddenly connects, and after a while again fails to connect.

    I hope with this capture we can have more detailed information



  • Hello Carlos,

    as to FIN: The connection on port 8194 is "never ending", i.e. it's only taken down when one of the Message Routers stops (unless there is a RMS version upgrade the Router stops only at system shutdown). The Router sends an RMS Logoff, the TLS session is ended, the stopping side sends a FIN and upon receiving the ACK a RST. The connection is low traffic, heartbeats are sent by the endpoint and acknowledged ny the server three or four times an hour IIRC.
    The connection on port 8192 is one-shot, the server sends the IOR when the connection is established, follows with a FIN, the endpoint responds with FIN,ACK.   

    As to certificates: I've already said that I suppose the firewall doesn't like the self-signed certificates.

    Last but not least: You've mentioned that the number of connected endpoints staggers. This could be explained by the firewall deeming a connection that has no traffic for a certain amount of time as dead if you see these drops in numbers in intervals of 15 minutes or less. But this would require successful connections in the first place.
    I'd say this is not impossible if the connections are made through different devices and their configuration is not identical. I've once had a case (not related to SEC) where clients on the same VLAN exhibited quite different behaviour when trying to access an unavailable resource. Turned out that they connected via different routers, one dropped the packets and the other returned an ICMP message ... 


  • Hello Carlos,

    didn't see this post of yours before finishing my reply.

    Q&D assessment of this trace: I can't explain where the many RSTs before the connection succeeds come from - if it's really the server. But the TLS handshake is apparently performed without problems (no certificate errors, the malformed packet is, as said, "normal"). It seems that later the Router on the endpoint is restarted, at least it looks like an orderly RMS shutdown followed by a new connection attempt a few seconds later.
    The server's POV would be interesting, whether it really send the RSTs (and if, why).

    This is not a case of alleged certificate issues though. I stand by my previous post - whatever is between server and endpoints takes a hand in it.


  • Hi Christian 

    Thanks for all this helpful information

    My network team, who is looking at the issue is asking me if the client server communications for RMS does send a keep alive for the session ?

    Do you know how often ?


  • Hello Carlos,

    RMS does send a keep alive for the session ?
    In my next to last post I wrote: heartbeats are sent by the endpoint and acknowledged by the server three or four times an hour IIRC (that'd be every 15 to 20 minutes or so).

    Connection takedown by the firewall due to observed inactivity addresses only one of the - as it seems - three problems: There's still the RSTs in response to the SYN from the endpoint, and the TLS handshake issue. Both are at the session start where keep-alives don't come into play.
