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Configuring standalone installer

Hi all.  I've a new installation of SEC 5.5.1 and am trying to get a workable standalone installer, but am running round in circles at the mo. I have:

  1. Created AU and SAV policies in SEC with my http update source set in the AU policy
  2. Used the latest versions of exportconfig and configcid that I can find on my system to export.
  3. Run through the KB at to manually create a package. 
  4. Attempted installation on a client with this. Everything goes on, but the updatesource stays at a temp drive on the local box - I think it's the one that is set within WinRAR as the setup location.  It never changes to the http location set in the policy.
  5. Attempted using the SDP (1.3.1) to create an installer. Used the same savinst\SAVSCFXPXML source, fed it the full URL to the CIDs/S000 folder with appropriate creds.
  6. When I run this, it launches, then closes after a few seconds.  No files in program files/x86/programdata.  Can't find a log file anywhere.

Help!  Any ideas on which of these I will have most luck with?



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