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ERROR - "Sophos Firewall detected malicious traffic: 'C2/Generic-C' at 'C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe' (Technica..."

I am getting the error status on 1 or 2 computers each day 

"Sophos Firewall detected malicious traffic: 'C2/Generic-C' at 'C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe' (Technica..."

What is this?

This thread was automatically locked due to age.
  • We received confirmation from Sophos Support that this was a false positive detection on the domain No new alerts should show up after patterns have been updated around 12/29.

  • The problem is still current. Both svchost.exe and chrome.exe continue to be recognized as a threat. Elimination only possible by completely uninstalling and reinstalling the client software.

  • Hello Bülent Caliskan1,

    whatever the problem is.
    The C2 prefix indicates, let's put it this way,  questionable network traffic (C2 used to stand for Command&Control). It does not necessarily indicate that the named executable is compromised but it has made or attempted a connection to a certain address or site (usually logged in the MTD log). Like all IPSs MTD/SNTP isn't black and white - a lot depends on actual behaviour and behaviour over time. A reinstall clears the accumulated data and thus naturally it then works again for some time.

    Of course without any details I can't say whether this is an incorrect assessment, a mis-classification of the target site(s) or indeed something that shouldn't be simply disregarded and it might be a good idea to contact Support
