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Sophos Reporting Interface issues after upgrade Sophos console upgrade from version 5.3 to 5.5

Hi guys,
I'm having some issues to report the date/version definition of Sophos AV in our daily report using the "sophos reporting interface" database. The issue started after another team upgrade the Sophos console from the version 5.3 to 5.5.
We have a process to collect the Sophos data running a query against the Interface reporting database and it should return all data we need (See the query below). It looks like the database is not being updated anymore after the upgrade or the process have been changed.
Would you have any idea why this is causing the issue?


>>>>>>>Query used

set nocount on

c.Name as machName,
"Sophos Reporting" as ScriptName,
"Pattern: "+ b.VirusDataVersion + " Engine: " + b.EngineVersion + " Pattern Date: " +
(hh, DATEDIFF(hh, GETUTCDATE(), GETDATE()), convert(datetime, c.LastMessageReceivedTime, 120)
)), 120) as ScriptDesc,
c.OperatingSystemName as OStype,
"skynews" as org_ref,
GETDATE() as eventTime

[sophos521].[sophos reporting interface].[vComputerHostData] as c
[sophos521].[sophos reporting interface].[vComputerPackageMapping] as a
ON c.ComputerID=a.ComputerID
[sophos521].[sophos reporting interface].[vPackageData] as b

WHERE c.Name NOT IN ("localhost", "rhel", "sy3-nnt1") and c.OperatingSystemName <> 'Unknown' and c.Name not like '%esx%'

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