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relay server setup very slow

Hello Guys,


I am struggling a bit with a relay setup. Have the main console with 6 relays being connected to it. 2 of which have a few thousand clients each. All relays are Win2012 servers, but the msg traffic seems to be very slow.


A newly installed client would keep the cert request for like 20 minutes in some cases easily. Have not seen vastly quicker clients to be honest.


Is there any checklist I could follow to troubleshoot?


Many thanks,


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  • Hello Daniel,

    the delay is clearly in the communication between Client and Relay. Initially it looks fine, Client ( connects to Relay's 8192 and immediately receives the IOR (that advertises and Is one of the the  <Relay IP Address> from the log?
    Once the actual communication over port 8194 starts there are considerable delays. Note for example message 01C3E89A that sits 3 minutes on the Relay.

    Did I mention Wireshark [;)]? I'd make sure what is sent between the two, how and when, before digging deeper on the machines.
